Wegz Lyrics - Singles & Featured

Arabic 98 January 1, 2018

Wegz is a popular Egyptian actor and trap singer, known for his unique style and catchy beats. He has been releasing music tracks since January 1, 2018, and has gained a significant following over the years. As an artist, Wegz has not only released singles, but he has also been featured in a number of other songs, showcasing his versatility and talent in the music industry.

For fans of Wegz, there is a wealth of material to enjoy. From his early releases to his most recent tracks, there is a diverse range of music available to listen to. Whether you are a fan of his hard-hitting beats or his thoughtful lyrics, there is something for everyone in Wegz's discography.

Some of Wegz's most popular singles include "Amaken", "Esmy Masr", "El Haram", and "Ana Gheir". These tracks have been well-received by fans and critics alike, thanks to their infectious melodies and powerful lyrics. Wegz's collaborations with other artists have also been well-received, with tracks like "Sahb El Hala" featuring Hassan Shakosh and "Lamma El Haram" featuring Feloza becoming instant hits.

As an artist, Wegz is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in trap music. His unique blend of Egyptian and Western influences has made him one of the most exciting musicians to come out of the region in recent years. Whether you are a die-hard fan or a newcomer to his music, there is no denying that Wegz is a talented artist who is sure to make an impact on the music industry for years to come. Below you can find a to z all track details, with lyrics and videos.